

fab <run_local/run_stage/run_live> <command_name>

List Commands - shows the list of all available fab commands

fab -l

Install Requirements

  • To install the requirements on your local system:

    fab run_local activate_env_install_requirements
    fab activate_env_install_requirements
  • To install the requirements on your remote staging servers:

    fab run_stage activate_env_install_requirements
  • To install the requirements on your remote live servers:

    fab run_live activate_env_install_requirements

Rsync project to remote server(stage/live)

To rsync project local files to remote destination server -

  • with settings file -

    fab <run_stage/run_live> rsync_with_settings
  • without settings file -

    fab <run_stage/run_live> rsync_without_settings

Deploy To Server

This commands copy local project files to destination(stage/live) servers, installs requirements, applies migrations and finally runs uWSGI server(both in debug and deployment modes)

fab <run_stage/run_live> deploy_to_server

By default, this command rsyncs project files without settings file and runs touch command for project uwsgi file under /etc/uwsgi/vassals/ folder.

  • To rsync with settings file and to run uwsgi in debug mode:

    fab <run_stage/run_live> deploy_to_server:sync_with_setting='true',debug='true'


It automatically creates project_root, env in server if not exists

Local database backup

fab take_local_backup

Server database backup

fab <run_stage/run_live> take_server_backup

Restore Server database to Local

fab <run_stage/run_live> take_server_backup
fab restore_to_local

Reset Local database

fab reset_local_db

Reset Server database

fab <run_stage/run_live> reset_server_db

Run Management Commands

This function is used to run management commands -

fab <run_local/run_stage/run_live> manage_py:<management_command_name>
  • To apply migrations

    fab <run_local/run_stage/run_live> migrate
  • Execute collect static

    fab <run_local/run_stage/run_live> collect_static
  • Rebuild search index

    fab <run_local/run_stage/run_live> rebuild_index
  • To restart celery in remote servers

    fab <run_stage/run_live> restart_celery
  • To restart supervisorctl in remote servers

    fab <run_stage/run_live> restart_supervisior
  • To restart uwsgi in remote servers

    fab <run_stage/run_live> restart_uwsgi
  • To restart remote servers

    fab <run_stage/run_live> restart_server